St Joseph’s school has a school uniform and a sports uniform. Parents are responsible for ensuring that students conform to the school uniform regulations. When a child's uniform does not conform to the guidelines, a written notice will be provided asking for parental assistance to address the situation.

Formal School Uniform
SHIRT: Checked cotton shirt with school crest
BOTTOMS: Navy blue skort or shorts - mid length (NOT WITH CARGO POCKETS)
SHOES: All Black leather shoes or black runners/joggers, black soles (no markings).
SOCKS: Short navy socks (no ankle socks)
HAT: Navy School Hat with school crest
Hair Expectations
Hair which extends beyond normal collar length is to be secured with ribbons or hairbands of school colours. Hair must be of natural colour
Hairstyles should comply with standards of neatness and practicality for health and safety.
If you intend to change your child’s hairstyle and aren’t sure, please check with the Principal first
Sports Uniform
SHIRT: Royal blue/yellow panel school sports polo shirt
BOTTOMS: As Above - Navy blue skort or shorts - mid length
SHOES: Black runners/joggers (no markings black sole)
SOCKS: As Above - short navy socks
HAT: As Above - school hat BUCKET HAT : Optional- to be worn with sports uniform
Medi-bracelets/necklaces are permitted.
Neck chains with a cross or religious medallion may be worn underneath the uniform
Plain ear studs/plain sleepers (worn as a pair, one in each lobe) are permitted
Winter Uniform
Plain navy blue track suit pants (No markings, badges, writing or stripes) OR
Navy blue stockings/tights worn underneath skort
Navy blue zip up jumper with school crest embroidered on front
Plain navy blue zip up jumper (No markings, badges, writing or stripes)
Clearly Mark All Items
Unclaimed clothing will be forwarded to Vinnies on a regular basis.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that students adhere to the school uniform regulations. When a child's uniform is not within the guidelines, a written notice will be provided asking for parental assistance to address the situation.